Thursday, July 17, 2014

Birchbox vs. Ipsy: June & July 2014

I am going to review my Birchbox and Ipsy GlamBag for June and July 2014. In this review I will give my honest opinion about the products/sample from both of these subscription services. I was planning on doing this for my personal records in order to keep track of the products/samples that I receive, so I figured that I would post it in a blog to help inform those who might be interested in these subscription services. I will rate each product on a scale of 1-3. I received my July Birchbox and Ipsy GlamBag today, so stay posted for both of my full-length reviews. Questions/Comments/Suggestions? I would love the feedback.



Friday, April 18, 2014

The Berenstain Bears- Gender Roles-Mama Bear

The type of criticism that I am most interested in within the context of children’s literature is gender criticism. More specifically, criticism of gender/sex role stereotypes found in literature.  An article by Lisa Rowe Fraustino in our week three Electronic Reserve Readings, titled The Berenstain bears and the reproduction of mothering discusses this type of criticism. I find this very interesting because I grew up reading The Berenstain Bears. 
This article really opened my eyes to the gender stereotypes that are present in my all-time favorite series of children’s books, The Berenstain Bears.According to Fraustino: “These sex role stereotypes and the plots they play have contributed to ‘the reproduction of mothering’ in the next generation at a rate Nancy Chodorow might have found unimaginable when she coined the phrase in her seminal 1978 text”(2007). 
Fraustino goes on to say that, “Women who repeatedly write, illustrate, publish, sell, buy, teach, and read picture books that depict stereotypical gender patterns, to borrow Chodorow's words, ‘contribute to the perpetuation of their own social roles and position in the hierarchy of gender’”(2007). Fraustino concludes her article with these statements: “Parents listen to Mama and Papa” and “perhaps literary critics should, too, the better to influence the ever-ready Berenstains” (2007).

This has made me think about why I am, the way that I am. Ever since I was young kid, I’ve felt that its’ my job to keep everything neat and tidy around the house.  No lie, when I would go over to my friends’ house I would clean and organize their playrooms. I remember their moms’ surprised facial expressions, when they would come up to check on us. I also remember asking my mom for my own personal vacuum cleaner to keep my bedroom’s floor spic and span at all times. She bought me a portable one and I was way too excited about a vacuum cleaner, for a kid.

Did Mama Bear brainwash me into thinking that its’ my duty to keep a clean and tidy home? Or, is the saying "a clean home is a happy home" true?

Fraustino, L. R. (2007). The berenstain bears and the reproduction of mothering. The Lion and the Unicorn, 31(3), 250-263. Retrieved from

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Bedroom Feng-Shui Tips

Bedroom Feng-Shui
Beds should never be to where your head is directly under a window or on the same wall as the bedroom door. Mirrors should be used sparingly in the bedroom and never directly across from the bed. If you are sitting in bed you should be able to have a clear view of the door. The bed should be accessible from both sides and should have a table on each side of the bed. 

Avoid bright lights in the bedroom. Candlelight or a light that can be dimmed is best in the bedroom. Natural, earth colors are best in the bedroom--brown, white, tan, and/or light blue. 
Try an aromatherapy diffuser with Lavender essential oil because this has a calming effect. 

Keep all electronics out of the bedroom- no cell phones, computers, television, etc... I realize that most people use their cell phones for alarm clocks and although this is considered 'bad Feng-Shui' it doesn't make sense to go out and buy an alarm clock do what ever makes sense to you. 

Your bedroom should contain items only used for sleeping and being intimate with your significant other. Avoid work-related or stress inducing items such as your never-ending to do list or your work/school papers (or keep them out of sight).

 Keep items that you really love and enjoy looking at in your bedroom. Your artwork should not contain sad, lonely people or things. Your artwork should positively impact your mood.

I hope that these basic tips help!

Ipsy Box

So excited about my subscription to Ipsy!

Discover more by clicking the link below.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Closet Organization Tips

Recently, one of my good friends asked me to come help her organize her closet. The transformation of her closet and bedroom was AMAZING and it was simple and did not require going out and buying A SINGLE THING. 
Secret to Success: We worked with what we had and stayed positive!

Step # 1: Clear out every single item of the room that you choose to organize and place it in a cleaned, cleared-out space.(We were mainly organizing her closet so we took everything out of the closet and placed it in the living room.)

Tips: It helps to have soothing SPA-like music playing in the background or listen to an audio book! Also try some calming lavender aromatherapy,and drink green tea with honey. (Don't have green tea or lavender? Light your favorite candle and grab your favorite beverage!)

Step #2: Don't freak out! Yes, it may seem like a lot of stuff but it's really not... Stay calm and sort through everything. 

  • Ask yourself- When was the last time that I used this? If you have not used it within the last 6 months, chances are you are never going to use it so get rid of before you end up on next week's episode of Hoarders! If things are broken, have holes, too small, too big, have stains, or are just so ugly you can't stand the sight of them: Throw it away!
  • Also, ask yourself: Does this item serve a purpose- Will I use this everyday? If the answer is yes then it's safe to stay-if the answer is no then it's got to go! Set up three boxes/piles and label them: Trash, Donate, and Not-Sure. Everything else, we will assume is safe to stay.
  • Mop, Dust, Wipe Down, Vacuum, Steam..Don't skip this step because it is very important. Everyone (except Oscar the Grouch who lives in a Trashcan) enjoys a clean area. 
  • Also, having a clean space may help with your organization/de-cluttering-once you have seen the sparkling potential of your new clean area you may feel as if some of those old items just don't belong...A clean house leads to a clean mind!
  • Storage bins are great for keeping your undergarments sorted however they are not necessary. My friend is a college student so sticking to a non-existent budget was imperative, so we used what we had. Cardboard boxes can be cut to be made more accessible and you can always 'glam' them up later..
  • You should be proud to show off your closet. Your closet should not be a room that needs to hide behind its' door when guests come over. If you try something on and decide not to wear it, immediately hang it back up or have a bin for "deal with it later" items.

Step # 3: Once you have sorted through every last bit of stuff make sure that the area that you are working in is clean.

Step # 4: Begin putting your stuff back in an organized, sensible manner. Sensible meaning whatever makes sense and works for you: It does not have to be any certain way.

Tips: For the closet- In the following order hang: tank-tops, t-shirts, long sleeve, sweater, coat on one rack; shorts, Capri pants, jeans, and pants on one rack. You may also organize by color, season, or occasion-work, casual, formal, active, etc... Group similar items together such as: belts, hats, scarves, purses, etc. Also, make sure that the items that you wear or use the most are in the most accessible spot (not too high, not too low, just right...Goldilocks, anyone?)

Step # 5: Take a break. Do some yoga, meditation, or eat a yummy snack!

Step # 6: Finish hanging-or putting away- and sorting similar items

Step # 7: Remove any non- closet items-the closet should be kept neat and tidy

I hope this helps! Good luck with your organization!

Sunday, September 15, 2013

DIY Green Cleaning Products

What you will need:

  • Vinegar
  • Distilled  or Filtered Water
  • Rubbing Alcohol
  • Baking Soda
  • Spray Bottle
  • Essential Oil (Optional)

Glass/Mirror Cleaner:

  • 1 Spray Bottle
  • 1 Part Vinegar
  • 1 Part Rubbing Alcohol
  • Top it off with Distilled or Filtered Water
  • 5 drops of Essential Oil (Optional)

Multi-Purpose Cleaner:

  • 1 Spray Bottle
  • 1 Part Vinegar
  • 1 Part Water
  • 5 drops of Essential Oil (Optional)

Bath,Shower,Sink and/or Tile Scrub:

  • Sprinkle baking soda first and then spray your multipurpose cleaner (Vinegar and Water). Note: The baking soda and vinegar will chemically react with one another (It will fizz up-it's pretty awesome!)